SNCN Msc Nursing

Msc Nursing

The Smt. Nagarathnamma College of Nursing believes that Postgraduate Programme in Nursing is essential to help the Postgraduate nurses to improve the quality of Nursing Education, Nursing Practice, Nursing Administration and Nursing Research. Postgraduate Programme in Nursing builds upon and extends competence acquired at the Undergraduate level, emphasizes application of relevant theories, standards of care, and evidence based care into nursing practice, application of innovative teaching and learning into nursing education, adhere leadership skills in nursing administration and to develop nursing research skills on practice and education and correlate the findings into nursing practice. The programme prepares Postgraduate nurses for the advanced practice as nurse educator, nurse researcher, nurse administer and clinical nurse specialist. This programme provides the basis for the post programme in nursing. Further, the programme ensures accountability and commitment, which fosters improvement of quality care.

Duration : 2 years

Eligibility : Pass in B.Sc Nursing Basic / B.Sc Honors in Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc in Nursing / Post Certificate B.Sc Nursing from any recognised University / Board or Council recognised as equivalent by RGUHS and approved by AIU (Association of Indian Universities) with not less than 50% of the maximum marks. Candidates should be Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife and must have a minimum of one year working experience.

Affiliations: Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), Approved by Government of Karnataka, Recognised by Karnataka State Nursing Council (KSNC) and Indian Nursing Council (INC).


Smt.Nagarathnamma College of Nursing, Acharya Institutes, committed to the Cause of value-based education in all disciplines, envisions itself as a fountainhead of innovative human enterprises, with inspiration initiatives for academic excellence.


Smt.Nagarathnamma College of Nursing, Acharya Institutes is committed to provide quality education that prepares the resilient professional nurses who care and practice holistically to meet the ever -changing Challenges of the 21st Century, through a culture of evidence -based Practice.